
Leading with Authenticity

How do you best tell the story of a partnership that helps nourish some of the most famous race horses in the world?

Zinpro provides minerals to feed companies that improve the health of livestock and pets on a global scale. But one of their clients, Hallway Feeds in Lexington, provides feed for the most famous race horses in the world. Zinpro wanted to tell a story that highlighted that partnership, and to use it for both external marketing as well as to energize their own staff at their annual end-of-year meeting.

Zinpro wanted a documentary-style testimonial video that highlighted Hallway Feeds as a company and their partnership with them, but also was on brand for Zinpro’s overall messaging and marketing campaigns. The story also had to demonstrate Zinpro’s expertise in the thoroughbred racing world and highlight Hallway Feeds’ connection to two triple crown winners, all while keeping the story short and engaging for a social media audience.

After conducting interviews with both the Zinpro and Hallways Feeds team, Bolster crafted an outline and strategized a production plan to capture the story in a way that exemplified the best of Hallway Feeds, as well as achieving Zinpro’s overall marketing objectives. While working with a local crew, the Bolster team was able to capture and create a testimonial video and promotional photos for distribution across several digital platforms.​​

The Hallway Feeds video became their most viewed post on their LinkedIn page and other social media channels. It also became a tool to garner more business and energize their existing employee base, while winning several marketing awards.

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In addition to a number of different videos formatted for distinct platforms, Bolster also created a brochure that celebrated the brand's 50th Anniversary, animated videos to help announce and reveal their new brand identity, as well as additional customer and product videos.

Our team excels in designing and building solutions created for real-world excellence, ensuring that every project is thoughtfully planned and impeccably realized.

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